Wednesday, September 22, 2010

This picture depicts a scene of the water fountain.
The children are playing happily there. As the weather is very hot people are under the fountain to cool themselves down.
the people look happy.there are shop everywhere and people can shop there shophouses as it is near the water fountain.The people who are under the water fountain although are wet that they are happy. they don't mind. so
that alll

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Teen molested Five girls

I think that this guy don't have a clear mind thats he did that
the girl who are his victim are really pity as they are innocent
this crazy guy should be put into mental hospital and never to be out of the world
He should not have been jail for 10 year or even more should not be so good to him that he is jail for only 3 year. This warning tell that Girls like age of us cannot go home by themselves but they should ask a friend to go home with her. Like deserted area should not come home by herself. Example Carpark and etc.....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Threes things that learn in school this term i have a learn about what is a myths
what is a fable and also what is a folk tale
Myths is a made up story to explain how our world work. the story (how did fire came about)
(How did butterflies came about) ( how did corn come to be)
Fables is a story that people tell to others behind it there is a moral in it.
(the fox and the cat) (The fox and the crow)
Folktales is also known as fairytales example Ali baba and the forty Thieves, Alice in wonderland Cinderella and many more........

I would like to improve on my homework like maths englosh science and on.......
Secondly i hope that we will get more tution like maths remedial.....
Both of these are about them are about the same but it is not..........

I would like learn more about the techni of the computer like blog and on....
Computer is very advance these days and most of the people know how to use computer

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Singapore is where i lived and i have my family members and relative here and also my best friends Class mates and lots of people whom are my beloved one.
Talking about Singapore is also like my family if there no singapore there will be no me no me then all my friends and family members and all people that i don't know will not live in singapore and where will they lived? this one i don't know. I just know that the people will have not home maybe not even a place to rest and they will be on streets and everywhere we go there will be people lying on the floor maybe blocking people's way can you imagine roads in the street filled with people and blocking you way.
Singapore is very important to me.
If there is no Singapore My Parent will have no job but a least they have a job but not really a good job. Athought their job may not be so important but it is still a job. If there is no Singapore there will be no job then there will be no food and if no food we will die. Maybe people
Maybe people don't care about singapore thats why they litter and when they litter the Green and clean city willl be Rubbish City and Rubbish City mean the place that have a lot of rubbish and dirty and why is that so because PEOPLE ARE LITTER!!!!!!
why do people litter because they are lazy to throw the rubbish to the bin. Just because they are lazy the clean and green city is a dirty and not a clean enviroment. if this goes on the city will not be green and clean city already :( people are not responsible for their actions and still paying fine is who cares

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Myths and Legend

Myths and legend

There is a girl who named Eliza. She was a king's daughter. She is very lazy and always wanted her servant to serve her even the glass of water on the table she will not even bother to take and ask her servant to take for her. The king, Eliza's father, He is getting angry so he decided to punished her. He kept her in the room where no servant is allow in there so then no one could help her clean up the room. She called the servant but no one will listen to her. She thought of Athena the goddness of wisdom to call her to help Eliza and she called until she sleep. As a punishment she will be punish and she will be lowly animal.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I Have 3 type of food that i like the most It is Crab and Chicken Rice and satay
About chicken rice i like about the smell of the rice and the taste if i pass by the chicken rice stall i will always stop to see and of course smell it and i always can't resist the smell and also buy it :)
This dish is originated by the people in China, Hainan Island and has since then been Singaporeans regular dish eaten usually for lunch or dinner. It is mainly cooked with garlic, scallion and ginger and the rice is cooked till fragrant.It is commonly found in hawker centres, coffee shops and restaurants.
Crabs that are being cooked in thick tomato and chilli based gravy. The crab is covered with plentiful of gravy and the crab meat is best eaten with the gravy. A pleasant accompaniment is the fried ‘man-tou” (fried buns) which is best eaten with the thick gravy.Many seafood restaurants offer this delightful dish.

Satay is a dish consisting of bite-sized pieces of meat grilled on skewers. They come in chicken, mutton, pork and beef. It is served with a flavourful spicy peanut sauce, slices of cucumbers and onions.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

summary writing

Life During the Japanese Occupation

Everyone from many other races. And many different religions and culture are all equal.4 hundred people shower everyday together and they have only little space in the room for them to shower, althought there is only a little space everyone is madly busy scrubbing themselves. They have to learnt how to do everything faster. One of the prisoner's father had passsed away in prison due to an infection causing severe diarrhoea. Many Young lady were force to go and be prostitution. Japanese were so glad that lady could go on bed with them.War time most of the women have to provide sexual services. Many Janpanese school were opened. All the student have to bow to the japanese as a polite way. During the Japanese emperor 's birthday people have to bow in the north-east direction as a polite way.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WASHINGTON - MANY American children are so overweight from being fed french fries, pizza and other unhealthy foods at school lunchrooms that they cannot handle the physical rigours of being in the military, a group of retired US officers say in a new report.
National security is threatened by the sharp rise in obesity rates for young people over the last 15 years, the group Mission: Readiness contends. Weight problems are now the leading medical reason that recruits are rejected, the group says, and thus jeopardise the military's ability to fill its ranks.

Many people like us love to eat french fries and all
Many child go Macdonalds to eat burger.
Although they know that they cannot eat too much and it is not health at all
FORT COLLINS (Colorado) - THE parents who pleaded guilty in the balloon boy hoax have agreed to pay about US$36,000 (S$49,500) in restitution to authorities who responded to the incident.
Larimer County Chief Judge Stephen Schapanski Tuesday accepted the agreement that prosecutors reached with Richard and Mayumi Heene, who weren't at the hearing.

That balloon is really expensive and maybe the have alot of balloon?
What does they mean by the parents who pleaded guility?
What does the parent do wrong that they pleaded guility?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is the lyrics

Such a feelin's comin' over meThere is wonder in most everything I seeNot a cloud in the skyGot the sun in my eyesAnd I won't be surprised if it's a dreamEverything I want the world to beIs now coming true especially for meAnd the reason is clearIt's because you are hereYou're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seenI'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creationAnd the only explanation I can findIs the love that I've found ever since you've been aroundYour love's put me at the top of the worldSomething in the wind has learned my nameAnd it's tellin' me that things are not the sameIn the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breezeThere's a pleasin' sense of happiness for meThere is only one wish on my mindWhen this day is through I hope that I will findThat tomorrow will be just the same for you and meAll I need will be mine if you are hereI'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creationAnd the only explanation I can findIs the love that I've found ever since you've been aroundYour love's put me at the top of the world
When I'm on top of the world...

When i was young I used to like this songs call top of the world i always think that my family members will always love me and then people always love me.
And then i know that people are less fortunate than us and then the sentence "Your love's put me at the top of the world" and then Many less fortunate then us they do not have parents and they are always have no food and no love fr them they are the ones who are left out and when they criied nobody cares about them and then why do people don't even want their parents? i Think that they are so selfish and don't even care about their feelings and even the parents find their children the nurses in the old folks home don't dared to tell them the real truth some may lied to them and tell them that their children are busy or they are working or they are oversea Thay are so SELFISH
Our parents bring us up and they kick them out of THE HOUSe hoew can they do this?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mum:Jane what time is it now?
Jane: 7 p.m
Mum: oh..... ok
Jane: Oh no my show my korean show "Likeable or not"
Mum: You mean you have not on the television?
Jane: Ya i just switch on and the show just started.

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong goes the door bell
Jane: Dad can you help me opened the door for me please ?
Dad: Okay you lazy pig
Dad: Father long time no see
Grandfather: Ya long time no see

Jane's grandfather visited the family over the weekend. Jane is watching a Korean drama on TV in the living room, with her grandfather sitting beside her. Write a dialogue for a conversation between the teenage girl and her grandfather....

Grandfather : Hey Ah Girl What you watching?
Jane: I am watch Korean Show
Grandfather: What is the show name?
Jane: Hmm..... let me think it is called "Likeable or Not"
Grandfather: "Likable or not"? It is about Love Story about People in the show
Jane: Kind of

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Anne Frank

i have 3 words to say about Anna frank abouthow i feel i feel happy,sad and angry
I feel happy for her that many people likes her and also love her book
I feel sad for her because she died too young
Angry because she will killed just because a jewish thathad done something wrong

Thursday, March 25, 2010

SINGAPORE - A blood test on the woman who said she was drugged and molested in a hotel room last year came back negative for drugs, a district court heard yesterday.The Health Sciences Authority test was done on Feb 5 last year, the same day the 24-year-old woman alleged that she was given a spiked herbal tea drink and molested by former Grand Central Hotel general manager Tan Hwa Kok (picture).The toxicology report also did not find any trace of Zolpidem, the sleeping tablet which Tan, 44, allegedly gave the woman before he molested her.But the slim, long-haired woman from Kuching, Sarawak, seemed unconvinced by the results and asked how long it took for such toxins to leave her body."For this question, Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Benjamin Yim will be asking the experts ... I don't think any of us can answer," replied District Judge Ch'ng Lye Beng.Earlier, the court was shown seven SMS messages that Tan had reportedly sent the woman after the alleged incident. The messages were sent between 6.45pm and 8.45pm on Feb 5. In them, Tan admitted to being intimate with her. She also agreed to be his girlfriend, he claimed.But the court heard that in her SMS reply, she denied agreeing to be his girlfriend.Later that evening, the woman lodged a police report at the Singapore General Hospital, where she gave a blood sample to test for chemical substances in her body.A male friend from Kuching accompanied her, and later spent the night with her in the hotel, she said. They slept in the same room but on separate beds.During questioning, DPP Yim asked her why much of her report focused on the spiking incidents rather than the molestation."My main concern was my health status ... And also I would like to seek justice for myself," the woman said, through an interpreter."I'm not good at expressing myself ... I felt that the (molestation) was a result of the spiking incident, (but) I was more upset about the molest," she added.Tan and the woman met on Feb 3 after a female friend recommended her for a job at the hotel in Cavanagh Road. She claimed she felt "uneasy" but agreed to meet him for dinner the next day. She wanted to make a good impression as she was looking for a job at the hotel.They met in a pub at Clarke Quay before they had dinner and Tan allegedly slipped a white substance into her drink. The next day they met again - the day of the incident - and this time he spiked her tea, she claims. Tan, who is married with two children, also offered her money but did not say what it was for, she said.The hearing will resume on May 1
I think that if the man spiked that woman drink he should be responsible for his action. But he also must be responsible to his family as well. And if the woman is willing to be his girlfriend but she did not say she want to and then he is in a wrong at first that is a insult toward the woman and it also not fair to her

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I think that the mrt and bus fare for adult should be cheap cause around one spot the have to pay about $1+ and it is too much and not fair to others as the old folk only pay 60 cents and children pay 44 cent it is really unfair why do adult have to pay so much it is very unfair is it?
and I find some parents very irrating sometimes hehehe:)
they sometime care too much and it is too much
Stiffer penalties for food offences
Foodcourt operators face temporary closure if there are too many breaches
By Amresh Gunasingham
OWNERS of dirty food stalls face higher fines for serious lapses in hygiene, under a revised penalty system which comes into effect next month.
By the end of the year, operators of 2,500 licensed foodcourts, coffee shops, and canteens will also come under the new penalty system and face having their premises closed temporarily if there are too many hygiene breaches.
The moves are part of the Government's attempt to prevent a repeat of the outbreak of food poisoning at the Geylang Serai temporary market last year.
The National Environment Agency (NEA), which regulates hygiene standards in food establishments, will raise the minimum fine for errant stall owners from $100 to between $200 and $400, depending on the seriousness of the offence.
Failing to use plastic bags to dispose of refuse is a minor offence. But preparing food on the floor or failing to prevent rodent infestation are serious offences.
Private operators of foodcourts, coffee shops and canteens will also be made liable for hygiene lapses in common areas of their establishments, such as toilets.

Copy from
I think the move of goverment 's attempt is to prevent a repeat of the outbreak of food poisoning comes out of a good point but the standard in food establishment of the minimum fine of errant stall owner from $100 to between $200 and $400 is too much as the hawker like my father is now not earning to much as like Shop and save fair price and other places of shopping centre as i go and help my father sell fruit before the people who came and buy for the past years as the year when on the people started to go to other place to buy things and the business is very bad as more people losing job and now the market is now upgrading then people did not come

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My most memorable Experience

My Most memorable experiece is my P5 camp that camp help me make friends from other class if i did not go to the p5 camp i will never be friends with the friends from other class :)

That time I have been eatting rice,vegetable and all in night and i miss my parents alot and wanted to go home

we could not sleep so we chat and chat with our girls from other class that is also nice when the teachers comes we pretent to sleep but we are still discovered by the teachers cause one of the girl is laughing

and then the teacher say we can talk all the whole night but then don't faint the next morning then we say ok then we continue chatting until 12 then we sleep I wake up around 1.30 and took my jacket and cover for linda my tution friend.
The next day we also have alot of fun like jumping on the ground playing the game Cinderlla.
The game is played by a girl and boy the boy is suppose to be blindfold and girls need to take off their shoes and placed it in the middle and then the gamemaster will mixs the shoes around the girl is suppose to tell the girl that where is her shoe that the shoe is missing the "prince" which is the boys need to find the shoe for us
but then my partner instead of picking up my shoe he kick it :( he is blindfolded that he could not see
But i still feel a bit of homesick but i also still think that the food my mum cooks is the best :)
I am sure glad to be home at also that is the first time i also leave my parent and they don't seemed to be worry but i was wrong they are worried hehehe :)