Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Singapore is where i lived and i have my family members and relative here and also my best friends Class mates and lots of people whom are my beloved one.
Talking about Singapore is also like my family if there no singapore there will be no me no me then all my friends and family members and all people that i don't know will not live in singapore and where will they lived? this one i don't know. I just know that the people will have not home maybe not even a place to rest and they will be on streets and everywhere we go there will be people lying on the floor maybe blocking people's way can you imagine roads in the street filled with people and blocking you way.
Singapore is very important to me.
If there is no Singapore My Parent will have no job but a least they have a job but not really a good job. Athought their job may not be so important but it is still a job. If there is no Singapore there will be no job then there will be no food and if no food we will die. Maybe people
Maybe people don't care about singapore thats why they litter and when they litter the Green and clean city willl be Rubbish City and Rubbish City mean the place that have a lot of rubbish and dirty and why is that so because PEOPLE ARE LITTER!!!!!!
why do people litter because they are lazy to throw the rubbish to the bin. Just because they are lazy the clean and green city is a dirty and not a clean enviroment. if this goes on the city will not be green and clean city already :( people are not responsible for their actions and still paying fine is who cares

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