Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Threes things that learn in school this term i have a learn about what is a myths
what is a fable and also what is a folk tale
Myths is a made up story to explain how our world work. the story (how did fire came about)
(How did butterflies came about) ( how did corn come to be)
Fables is a story that people tell to others behind it there is a moral in it.
(the fox and the cat) (The fox and the crow)
Folktales is also known as fairytales example Ali baba and the forty Thieves, Alice in wonderland Cinderella and many more........

I would like to improve on my homework like maths englosh science and on.......
Secondly i hope that we will get more tution like maths remedial.....
Both of these are about them are about the same but it is not..........

I would like learn more about the techni of the computer like blog and on....
Computer is very advance these days and most of the people know how to use computer

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