When I'm on top of the world...
When i was young I used to like this songs call top of the world i always think that my family members will always love me and then people always love me.
And then i know that people are less fortunate than us and then the sentence "Your love's put me at the top of the world" and then Many less fortunate then us they do not have parents and they are always have no food and no love fr them they are the ones who are left out and when they criied nobody cares about them and then why do people don't even want their parents? i Think that they are so selfish and don't even care about their feelings and even the parents find their children the nurses in the old folks home don't dared to tell them the real truth some may lied to them and tell them that their children are busy or they are working or they are oversea Thay are so SELFISH
Our parents bring us up and they kick them out of THE HOUSe hoew can they do this?
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