Tuesday, April 27, 2010

summary writing

Life During the Japanese Occupation

Everyone from many other races. And many different religions and culture are all equal.4 hundred people shower everyday together and they have only little space in the room for them to shower, althought there is only a little space everyone is madly busy scrubbing themselves. They have to learnt how to do everything faster. One of the prisoner's father had passsed away in prison due to an infection causing severe diarrhoea. Many Young lady were force to go and be prostitution. Japanese were so glad that lady could go on bed with them.War time most of the women have to provide sexual services. Many Janpanese school were opened. All the student have to bow to the japanese as a polite way. During the Japanese emperor 's birthday people have to bow in the north-east direction as a polite way.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WASHINGTON - MANY American children are so overweight from being fed french fries, pizza and other unhealthy foods at school lunchrooms that they cannot handle the physical rigours of being in the military, a group of retired US officers say in a new report.
National security is threatened by the sharp rise in obesity rates for young people over the last 15 years, the group Mission: Readiness contends. Weight problems are now the leading medical reason that recruits are rejected, the group says, and thus jeopardise the military's ability to fill its ranks.

Many people like us love to eat french fries and all
Many child go Macdonalds to eat burger.
Although they know that they cannot eat too much and it is not health at all
FORT COLLINS (Colorado) - THE parents who pleaded guilty in the balloon boy hoax have agreed to pay about US$36,000 (S$49,500) in restitution to authorities who responded to the incident.
Larimer County Chief Judge Stephen Schapanski Tuesday accepted the agreement that prosecutors reached with Richard and Mayumi Heene, who weren't at the hearing.

That balloon is really expensive and maybe the have alot of balloon?
What does they mean by the parents who pleaded guility?
What does the parent do wrong that they pleaded guility?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is the lyrics

Such a feelin's comin' over meThere is wonder in most everything I seeNot a cloud in the skyGot the sun in my eyesAnd I won't be surprised if it's a dreamEverything I want the world to beIs now coming true especially for meAnd the reason is clearIt's because you are hereYou're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seenI'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creationAnd the only explanation I can findIs the love that I've found ever since you've been aroundYour love's put me at the top of the worldSomething in the wind has learned my nameAnd it's tellin' me that things are not the sameIn the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breezeThere's a pleasin' sense of happiness for meThere is only one wish on my mindWhen this day is through I hope that I will findThat tomorrow will be just the same for you and meAll I need will be mine if you are hereI'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creationAnd the only explanation I can findIs the love that I've found ever since you've been aroundYour love's put me at the top of the world
When I'm on top of the world...

When i was young I used to like this songs call top of the world i always think that my family members will always love me and then people always love me.
And then i know that people are less fortunate than us and then the sentence "Your love's put me at the top of the world" and then Many less fortunate then us they do not have parents and they are always have no food and no love fr them they are the ones who are left out and when they criied nobody cares about them and then why do people don't even want their parents? i Think that they are so selfish and don't even care about their feelings and even the parents find their children the nurses in the old folks home don't dared to tell them the real truth some may lied to them and tell them that their children are busy or they are working or they are oversea Thay are so SELFISH
Our parents bring us up and they kick them out of THE HOUSe hoew can they do this?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mum:Jane what time is it now?
Jane: 7 p.m
Mum: oh..... ok
Jane: Oh no my show my korean show "Likeable or not"
Mum: You mean you have not on the television?
Jane: Ya i just switch on and the show just started.

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong goes the door bell
Jane: Dad can you help me opened the door for me please ?
Dad: Okay you lazy pig
Dad: Father long time no see
Grandfather: Ya long time no see

Jane's grandfather visited the family over the weekend. Jane is watching a Korean drama on TV in the living room, with her grandfather sitting beside her. Write a dialogue for a conversation between the teenage girl and her grandfather....

Grandfather : Hey Ah Girl What you watching?
Jane: I am watch Korean Show
Grandfather: What is the show name?
Jane: Hmm..... let me think it is called "Likeable or Not"
Grandfather: "Likable or not"? It is about Love Story about People in the show
Jane: Kind of